
Kava for relaxation and stress relief is a natural, non-alcoholic tea which promotes mind and body relaxation.  Kava root powder is the most traditional way to enjoy this tea.  Islanders have used kava root powder for centuries in social rituals, religious ceremonies as well as for medicinal purposes. The root and stump of the kava plant are ground down and made into a natural, non-alcoholic tea.  When consumed, the effect of the active ingredients, referred to as kavalactones, produce a feeling of calm and social relaxation. 

With over 100 varieties to choose from, it may be hard to know which to choose.  We offer different types of Noble kava; heavy, heady, and some in between,  as well as instant.  If you are looking for an all natural option to alcohol, relief from stress or anxiety, or just want a peaceful night’s sleep, kava may be your answer.  We are always bringing in different kava teas to offer you the best variety.  Click here to learn more about this amazing plant.

Borongoru "Heavy"

Loa Waka "Balanced"

Pouni Ono "Balanced"Kava

Vanuatu Borongoru is the perfect kava to drink for stress relief or to reduce feelings of anxiousness.  Borongoru is the heaviest kava in our shop.  It is very relaxing so best for drinking in late afternoon or evening.

Fiji Loa Waka is one of the most powerful kavas on the market. The all around, mind and body relaxation effects, makes Loa Waka a popular kava among many.  Great for drinking anytime of day.  Smaller amounts will calm and lift your mood.  Larger servings will relax you physically as well

Pouni Ono is a Tongan kava.  The unique volcanic soil of the island has created a smooth and relatively easy drinking kava. Pouni Ono will make you more relaxed, happy, and more alert.  Great for daytime use and best for social settings.

Borogu "Heady"

This kava is also from Vanuatu.  It may quite possibly the most common  variety of kava served in kava bars across the United States.  The effects of Borogu start out heady and euphoric, followed by stress release from your body.  

Ceremonial "Heady"

Vanuatu Ceremonial Kava powder, is a perfect blend of 70% Basal Roots & 30% Lateral Roots, yielding a potent bowl whether the occasion is ceremonial (hence the name) or relaxation.

Vanuatu Instant Kava

This high quality noble Kava is selected from plants 5 to 6 years in age that have been organically grown in rich volcanic soil. Vanuatu Ceremonial Kava powder is a potent dehydrated blend of 70% Basal Roots & 30% Lateral Roots.  Just add water or your favorite fruit juice and enjoy!

Black Label "Body"

Vananuatu Black Label Kava powder, is a potent blend of 50% Basal Roots & 50% Lateral Roots, yielding a potent bowl whether the occasion is ceremonial or relaxing. Black Label is special because it is dehydrated directly after it is harvested and further processed to remove about 20% of its fibers, promoting a fresher and cleaner taste.

Soloman Island "Body"

Soloman Chief kava is made from 7 year old plants using the smaller roots that extend from the main root.  These smaller roots are higher in kavalactones.